Leo Gimbel, 8th grader, (left), Ethan Williams, 6th grader, (middle), and Hayden Weir, 7th grader (right)loading up backpacks with bath puffs and socks for foster children on Tuesday, May 17th.
Chloe Garcia, 7th grader, (front), Hayden Weir, 7th grader,(middle), and Leo Gimbel, 8th grader, (back) loading backpacks for foster children on Tuesday.
Ryne Wilson, 7th grader, helping get the backpacks ready for foster children.
Leo Gimbel, an 8th grader, adding books to backpacks for Fremont FBLA’s latest community service project.
FBLA members digging into community service!
Fremont FBLA spruces up the butterfly garden!
Kaylee Dykes delivers a holiday poster to Avamere at Oak Park on Wednesday.
The first 10 members who sign up get this T-shirt!
Screenshot of Fall Virtual Leadership Experience participants, that appeared in The News-Review.
FBLA's "Float" in the Roseburg Veteran's Day Reverse Parade. November 11th, 2020. Aiyana Brown, left, Trevor Knox, middle, Bailey Wilcox, right.
Closeup of the sign used in the Roseburg Veterans Day Reverse Parade.
Aiyana Brown supporting veterans in the Roseburg Veteran's Day Reverse Parade.
Skylar Knox, left, and Bailey Wilcox, right, support Roseburg's Veterans.
Aiyana Brown being interviewed by KEZI. https://www.kezi.com/content/video/573048321.html
Skylar Knox painting a letter for the Veteran's Day Float.
Trevor Knox, and Aiyana Brown working on the sign for the Veteran's Day Float.
Fremont FBLA student, Skylar Knox, accepting the chapter's first donation, from Ira Thrall, at Systech Consulting.